If the winter frost brings you the `winter blues` then warm-up your body and mind with Body Harmonics Pilates
Released on = June 26, 2007, 7:59 am
Press Release Author = Lucid Communications
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Toronto's Body Harmonics Pilates Studio offers classes that will help you exercise your bad mood away over the long winter-months
Press Release Body = Toronto, ON - June 26, 2007 - When the chill of winter brings with it the gloom of 'winter depression', many people become susceptible to Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD. SAD is a type of depression that tends to follow a seasonal pattern with symptoms starting in the fall and heightening in the winter months. Body Harmonics Pilates Studio offers classes to help keep you in shape and enhance your mood over the ever-dreaded upcoming winter months. SAD's symptoms include decreased energy, feelings of anxiety and despair, difficulty concentrating and fatigue among others. Clinical tests have shown that increased physical activity and exercise relieve such symptoms, and actually raise endorphins - the body's natural painkillers - to reduce stress levels and actually make you feel better.
"Seasonal Affective Disorder is prevalent in Canada and reaches its peak during the intensity of the winter months. People tend to show the same symptoms with SAD as they do with high levels of stress," said Margot McKinnon, founder and director of Body Harmonics. "Depression and anxiety are characterized by preoccupation with the past and the future. Focusing attention in the present is deeply healing. Pilates puts you in a different physical and mental context which allows you to be fully present in the moment and in touch with your physical self. In many ways there is nothing more healing.\" says McKinnon. "This training method will make you feel better in other ways including providing a sense of accomplishment, stress relief, and improved self-confidence and self-image."
Reports show that in Ontario alone, an estimated 2-3% of the population has SAD and 15% are at risk. Statistics also show that 70-80% of those with SAD are women, usually in their 30s. While there is no confirmed cause for SAD, it is believed that people who are more susceptible are those living in countries in the north where the winter days are shorter.
Body Harmonics Pilates offers an alternative to monotonous gym workouts. You learn to move efficiently and build power from inside and out. Your posture improves and you learn to breathe with ease. This method provides safe and effective techniques to increase health benefits and fulfill goals for wellbeing. Simply put, at Body Harmonics, we will help you exercise your bad mood away.
About Body Harmonics: Toronto-based Body Harmonics Pilates is a leader among Canada's most prominent Pilates studios. Founded in 1996 and incorporated in 1997, Body Harmonics is owned and operated by Margot McKinnon, a certified Pilates instructor and Master Teacher Trainer for The Pilates Method. Body Harmonics endeavors to make Pilates accessible to everyone by making it stimulating, challenging, and relaxing. Their approach to Pilates is straightforward: keep it simple; stay consistent; and respect individual needs, goals and progress. For more information, please visitwww.bodyharmonics.com
For more information: Lucid Communications @ 416.640.5675, email: mcalvert@lucidcommunications.ca or Body Harmonics Pilates @ 416.537.0714
Web Site = http://www.bodyharmonics.com
Contact Details = 672 Dupont Street, Suite 406 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6G 1Z6
Tel: 1 877 537 0714 or 416 537 0714
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